EU States condemned the sufferings of Ukrainians due to Russian invasion, but they said that joining the E.U. is a process that...
The first round of talks between the Foreign Minister of Russia and Ukraine ended without any progress
The World Bank has released an Emergency Financial Package for Ukraine
Ukraine is preparing for evacuation corridors in the cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha, after Russia announced a temporary ceasefire in these 2...
Russian shelling had caused a fire at a building in the Zaporizhzhia plant complex that was later put out
Ukraine has demanded immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and Crimea
Russian military convoy made up of armored vehicles, tanks, towed artillery and other logistical vehicles inching close to Kyiv as Russia seems...
Putin has ordered deterrence forces, to be placed on high alert, while Zelensky has agreed to hold talks with Russia at Ukrainian-Belarusian...
Volodymyr Zelensky says he is Putin’s No. 1 target, hits out at U.S. of watching the war from far
Russia said that the troops would engage in “peacekeeping” in the region, U.S. has warned that Russia is creating a pretext for...
After Putin ordered troops in Donetsk and Luhansk, Germany said it is halting the certification as it fears Russia will invade Ukraine
European Commission has announced to deliver the essential supplies to Ukraine amidst rising tensions over its borders with Russia
Separatists in Ukraine have started evacuating people from Donetsk and Luhansk, building a case for invasion by Russia
Putin has said that Moscow does not want war and demanded surety that Ukraine will not join NATO
The call for the urgent meeting came after the Foreign Minister of Ukraine said Russia had ignored formal requests to explain the...
The withdrawal of Russian troops comes amidst rising fear of Ukraine invasion
The two countries exchanged barbs and accused each other of ruining the de-escalation talks over the Ukraine crisis
Russia will soon begin 10 days of military drills, “Allied Drive”, in Belarus
During a joint Press Conference with Emmanuel Macron, Putin said that there is still scope for a diplomatic front
According to USA, Russia has assembled 70% of the military capability needed for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine
Russia has signed U.S. $ 117.5 billion gas deal with China over fears of losing European customers
U.S. warns Russia will fake Ukrainian attack to justify an invasion
Boris Johnson will travel to Ukraine for talks with the President of Ukraine – Volodymyr Zelensky
Zelensky has urged Biden and Macron to not create panic over threats of invasion by Russia
Ukraine says Russia has not assembled enough troops to launch a full-scale invasion making a focused Russian attack more likely
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