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Supreme Court allows Trump to use Department of Defence funds for his walls

Trump gets a free hand to use Defence Funds for his Wall

The Supreme Court of United Sates (U.S.) has said that President of U.S. – Donald Trump can use U.S. $ 2.5 billion from the Department of Defense to build parts of his wall along the South Western border.

The Supreme Court, ruled by 5 votes to 4, objected the ruling of a Federal Judge in California who barred Trump from using the funds of Department of Defense. The U.S. – Mexico border wall was announced by Trump during his campaign for the Presidential polls in 2016. It is to be noted that Democrats are not in favour of building the wall.

Reacting to Supreme Court’s order, Trump tweeted, “Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!”

These U.S. $ 2.5 billion funds were earlier allocated for personnel and recruiting, Minuteman III and air launch cruise missiles, E-3 aircraft upgrades and the training of Afghan Security Forces.

On the contrary, the U.S. House Speaker – Nancy Pelosi said, “This evening’s Supreme Court ruling allowing Donald Trump to steal military funds to spend on a wasteful, ineffective border wall rejected by Congress is deeply flawed. Our Founders designed a democracy governed by the people – not a monarchy.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is looking to seek a decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to halt the irreversible damage, arising out of Trump’s border wall.

ACLU is a not for profit organization whose mission is to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the U.S. The ACLU has over 1,200,000 members and an annual budget of over U.S. $ 100 million. The ACLU provides legal assistance in cases when it considers civil liberties to be at risk.

Besides, the U.S. has also signed a deal with Guatemala, under which migrants from Honduras and El Salvador, passing through Guatemala, will be required to stop and seek asylum there first, rather than continuing their march to U.S.

Earlier in February 2019, Trump had declared national emergency to unlock billions of dollars in Federal Funds to build his promise wall. It is to be noted that Trump declared the emergency despite signing the spending bill from Congress which allocated U.S. $ 1.375 billion for constructing 55 miles of the wall, which is U.S. $ 5.7 billion less than what Trump had demanded.

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