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France changes stance, approves AstraZeneca vaccine for people above 65

The French Government has now approved the COVID-19 vaccine developed by British–Swedish pharmaceutical company – AstraZeneca, to be given to elderly above 65 years of age

The French Government has changed its stance and has now approved the Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine developed by British–Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company – AstraZeneca, to be given to people above 65 years of age with pre-existing conditions.

People having co-morbidities like high blood pressure or diabetes, can now be vaccinated with AstraZeneca, including those aged between 65 and 74. Earlier, France had approved the use of vaccine for people under 65 years of age, citing lack of data for older people.

The decision was revised after several studies showed that the jab is highly effective among the elderly. The vaccine is widely used across United Kingdom (U.K.), some European nations like Germany have still not allowed it to be used on people above 65 years of age.

While European Medicines Agency (EMA), E.U.’s agency in charge of the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products, has approved it for all adults, it is upto member states to decide upon their own roll-out policy.

Taking it to twitter, the Minister of Solidarity and Health – Olivier Veran tweeted (translated from French), “Thus, people between 65 and 74 years old can now be vaccinated by going to their doctor. We will begin with those which are carriers of fragility.” Original tweet in French:

As more data emerged, French health officials tried to convince people that it is just as safe and effective as other COVID-19 vaccines. However, people aged over 75 would still be given Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s jab in a vaccination centre.

Addressing the nation in a televised interview with France Televisions, Veran said, “The Haute Autorité de Santé now considers as of today that all three vaccines that we have in France have a remarkable efficacy to protect people against the risk of severe forms of COVID-19.”

He further said, “As a result, I can announce that from now on people aged 50 and above who have comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a history of cancer can be vaccinated with AstraZeneca, including those aged 65 to 74.”

In January 2021, the President of France – Emmanuel Macron had said that the AstraZeneca vaccine was “quasi-ineffective” for older age groups but after a recent European Council’s meeting, he said, “If this is the vaccine I’m offered, obviously I would take it.”

Of the total 1.7 million doses received, France has administered 273,000 doses. Some French doctors have rejected the vaccine, citing initial side-effects in some people and trial data suggesting it offered minimal protection against mild disease from the South African variant.

According to results so far from the vaccination programme, the shot is cutting the chance of people aged 80 and over from getting very sick with coronavirus and needing hospital care by more than 80%, just a few weeks after a first dose.

Amidst this, France is still having night curfews across the nation. Bars, restaurants and museums are closed even during day as the Government wants to avoid another national lockdown. Travel to Germany from the French Moselle region has been restricted at the request of Germany which is concerned about the South African variant.

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