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Diwali for 9 Minutes at 9 PM on April 5 to End the ‘Darkness’ of Covid-19

PM Modi's address to the nation

In a Video message Prime Minister Modi has asked Indians to show solidartity with each other and fight COVID -19.

“I request all of of you to switch off all the lights of your house on 5th April at 9 PM for 9 minutes, and just light a candle, ‘diya’, or mobile’s flashlight, to mark our fight against coronavirus,” the PM said, adding that people must avoid gathering anywhere and practice social distancing during the show of strength.

He further added that “Friends, amidst the darkness spread by the Corona pandemic, we must continuously progress towards light and hope. We must continuously strive to take those of us most affected, our poor brothers and sisters, from disappointment to hope. We must end the darkness and uncertainty emanating from the crisis, by progressing towards lightand certainty. We must defeat the deep darkness of the crisis, by spreading the glory of light in all four directions.”

The Prime Minister also cautioned that no one must assemble or gather anywhere while participating in this program. He requested citizens to not go out on to the roads, lanes or localities. One must never cross the ‘Lakshman Rekha’ of Social Distancing. Social Distancing should not be breached under any circumstances.This is the only panacea to break the chain of Corona virus.

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