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U.S. says F-16 fighter jets will be flying in Ukraine this summer

The jets, manufactured in the U.S. and donated by Denmark and the Netherlands, are en route to Ukraine, as Western nations intensify their support for Ukraine in its defence against Russia

The United States (U.S.) Secretary of State – Antony Blinken has said that the first F-16 fighter jets given by Western allies to Ukraine are on their way to the country and will be operational this summer.

The jets, manufactured in the U.S. and donated by Denmark and the Netherlands, are en route to Ukraine. Additionally, Norway has announced it will deliver six F-16s to Kyiv this year, as Western nations intensify their support for Ukraine in its defence against Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Fighter jets like the F-16 are deemed crucial in bolstering Ukraine’s defence against Russian attacks, particularly for their ability to intercept incoming missiles and potentially counter Russian aircraft. Last summer, Washington agreed to allow the transfer of these advanced aircraft.

Taking it to X, Blinken tweeted,

Ukraine has long sought the delivery of F-16s pledged by Western nations, but shipments have been delayed due to the complex training required for Ukrainian pilots and maintenance engineers. Some military experts have also questioned the effectiveness of deploying older F-16 models in Ukraine.

A Joint Statement from the Leaders of the U.S., Netherlands and Denmark read, “We are committed to further enhancing Ukraine’s air capabilities, which will include squadrons of modern fourth-generation F-16 multi-role aircraft. We will continue to coordinate jointly in support of Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russian aggression.”

The President of Ukraine – Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the arrival of the Danish and Dutch jets sends a clear signal that Russia’s ability to terrorize Ukrainian people, cities, and communities will continue to diminish. He also said F-16s bring just and lasting peace closer, demonstrating that terror must fail everywhere and at any time. Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine needs 128 F-16s to match Russia’s air force. Currently, the 79 F-16 jets pledged by Ukraine’s allies fall short of that target.

However, a Former Defence Minister of Ukraine – Andriy Zagorodnyuk said that the planes will be old with very outdated specifications and no match to Russia in terms of radar capabilities. He further said that in radar battles, those F-16s will lose and will be of quite limited use.

In addition, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) members will pledge € 40 billion in support for Ukraine over the next year, aiming to streamline commitments amid domestic challenges in many member states.

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