The E.U.-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership aims to elevate ties beyond trade and investment, broadening relations and fostering all-dimensional exchanges and cooperation
The free trade deal between EU and New Zealand is expected to enhance bilateral commerce by up to 30% within a decade
E.U.-NATO Task Force has recommended to strengthen its resilience and protection of critical infrastructure
The European Commission has proposed to establish a € 50 billion dedicated financing instrument for Ukraine to provide coherent, predictable as well...
Russia asserted that the tactical nuclear weapons stationed in Belarus would be deployed only if its territory or state was attacked
U.K. will provide £ 25 million to Ukraine to strengthen their cyber defence programme and defend vital Government services
Germany labels Russia the greatest threat to Europe and warns of escalating rivalry with China.
Rishi Sunak, has said he is looking forward to discussing the U.S.A.’s flagship package of investment in green industries
The United Kingdom will give Ukraine £ 16 million in humanitarian relief for the floods brought on by the loss of the...
Justin Trudeau has announced new military funding of U.S. $ 500 million to Ukraine
G7 nations want a cohesive reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as well as China's rising assertiveness and perceived danger to global...
France has announced plans to send dozens more light tanks and armoured vehicles to Ukraine and provide the necessary training to the...
Yoshimasa Hayashi has said that Japan is in talks with NATO for opening a liaison office in the country
European Commission will allocate € 500 million to urgently deliver ammunition to Ukraine and boost E.U. defence industry
Russia has accused Ukraine of attempting to murder Vladimir Putin by employing drones to attack the Kremlin, which is located in the...
John Kirby said that since December 2022, more than 20,000 Russian soldiers have died in the conflict in Ukraine
The fight against Europe's biggest cost-of-living crisis in a generation is far from over, and food is the latest flashpoint
European economy reported a growth of 0.3% in the first quarter of 2023 despite ongoing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent rising...
G7 Foreign Ministers pledged to intensify sanctions against Russia over its war in Ukraine
European Commission has rejected bans introduced by Poland and Hungary on Ukrainian grain imports
Japan has signed a $ 2.7 billion deal with Mitsubishi for developing long-range missiles amidst increasing tensions with China
Ursula and Macron's visit will press China on taking further steps to halt the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Russia says that weapons would be moved to the country’s western border as security measures
Finland will become the 31st memberof NATO adding 830 miles to the alliance’s frontier with Russia
Putin's Mariupol visit came a day after he travelled to Crimea to mark the 9th anniversary of Russia’s annexation of the Black...
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