Randeep Surjewala has accused Goverment of “Repeated attempts at shoddy cover up and complete non-transparency in purchase of Rafale Aircrafts have raised serious questions on ‘National Interests’ and ‘National Security’ by Modi government. India’s defence preparedness can not be subject matter of politicking nor can the sacrosanct premises of ‘Defence Ministry’ be used for political mud slinging as is being done by Modi government and its Defence Minister.”
On the ongoing feud of the pricing of Rafale the Defence Minister had tweeted
Smt @nsitharaman on #Rafale : ” The present govt addressed the vacuum in our national security structure created by the indecisiveness of 10 yr long UPA regime by immediately procuring 36 aircraft in a fly-away condition” (1)
— Raksha Mantri (@DefenceMinIndia) November 17, 2017
Smt @nsitharaman on #Rafale : ” Through the entire decade 2004-2014, the UPA govt was unable to come to a decision to strengthen our air force preparedness. This potentially compromised national security interests.” (2)
— Raksha Mantri (@DefenceMinIndia) November 17, 2017
Smt @nsitharaman on #Rafale : “All procedures have been scrupulously followed. Before the Inter-Governmental agreement with France, it was cleared by the CCS, the highest policy-making and decision-taking forum.” (3)
— Raksha Mantri (@DefenceMinIndia) November 17, 2017
Smt @nsitharaman on #Rafale : “Tie-ups between companies are a matter of their own commercial prudence. No private party is involved in the acquisition of 36 #Rafale aircraft” (4)
— Raksha Mantri (@DefenceMinIndia) November 17, 2017
However Congress has again asked “What is the price per aircraft of the 36 Rafale Aircrafts being purchased by Modi”government?” “How did Prime Minister take a unilateral decision on buying the 36 aircrafts of Dassault by-passing the mandatory ‘Defence Procurement Procedure’ and in absence of an inter-governmental agreement with France at that time?”
In response to Defence ministers answers<script>Congress has alleged “ Is it not true that on the date of announcement of purchase of 36 Rafale Aircrafts by PM on 10 th April, 2015; no procedure had been followed? Is it also not true that as per Defence Procurement Procedure, 2013; ‘Contract Negotiations Committee’ i.e. CNC and ‘Price Negoations Committee’ i.e. PNC had to first make price discovery followed by inter-governmental agreement, which would follow the announcement of purchase? Is it not true that on 10 th April, 2015; none of these had been followed?”
The Defence minister has insisted that the final agreement was signed after a year and all the due process was followed in between.
Congress has reiterated its questions:
Why was the public sector undertaking, HAL by-passed for getting 30,000 crore worth offset contract despite the work share agreement dated 13.03.2014 between HAL and Dassault Aviation? Why did the Prime Minister promote the interests ofa private corporate entity over a public sector undertaking?
Is it not correct that HAL is the only Indian entity which has decades of experience of building aircrafts? How was HAL by-passed in favour of Reliance, when Reliance had zero experience of building fighter aircrafts? Even Reliance Group and Shri Anil Ambani have admitted to being present at the time PM unilaterally announced purchase of 36 Rafale Aircrafts on 10 th April,2015. Why is Defence Minister denying this important fact?
UPA contract for purchase of 126 Rafale Aircrafts ensured transfer of technology. Why does the Defence Minister feel that transfer of technology does not make sense for Indian strategic interest? Would it then not mean doubling the life cycle cost as there would be perpetual defendant on Dassault Aviation for all subsequent maintenance, overhaul and upgradation of aircrafts?
Defence Minister has said that 36 Rafale Aircrafts were purchased on emergency basis. What was the need to buy aircrafts on emergency basis when regularpurchase had already been negotiated? Why is it then that despite the emergency purchase and lapse of 34 months, not a single aircraft had been delivered? How long will it take for the delivery of aircrafts? Shockingly, Defence Minister statedthat offset deal for 50% of contract value has not been signed. If that is so, how has Reliance placed on its website the award of offset worth 30,000 crore in a jv with Dassault Aviation? Is it not correct that the factory of Reliance has recently
been inaugurated by the French Defence Minister in India with full knowledge of Indian Defence Minister? Why was wrong fact then being presented?
Why is BJP and Defence Minister using the sacrosanct premises of Defence Ministry for political mudslinging?
Here is the full Press conference by by the defence minister:
Here is the full Press conference by Congress:
We would also like to highlight that the Air Force is suffering because of lack of acquisition of these aircrafts.
“The first squadron of 18 new jets will be inducted within five years (by 2012)” Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal F.H. Major had said on Jul 1, 2007.
While the closed door negotiations remain in secret the fact is that on Apr 12, 2015 Times of India was lauding PM for securing 36 Rafale and that “The government has already announced the two new squadrons would be inducted into the IAF in two years”.
Fast forward to March 2017, the defence minister told Lok Sabha Members that “ As per the Inter-Governmental Agreement signed on 23rd September, 2016 with the Government of France for procurement of 36 Rafale Aircraft, the scheduled delivery of these aircraft is from September, 2019 to April, 2022”.
Only transparency of the highest order can help fill the void between the knowledge in Public domain and the National Security requirements