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Kirkuk falls to Iraq, Peshmerga flee

The Iraqi forces have reportedly captured Kirkuk with its airport, seized oil fields and other infrastructure. The Iraqi claim was largely been uncontested so far with the Peshmerga making way for the government forces and withdrawing to lines further north. however the latest reports suggest now the Kurds are making a stand

Earlier Civilians were see fleeing the city as the Iraqi forces advanced. As seen in the Video below, the advancing government troops have not exactly cordial to the Kurdish statehood demand

Peshmerga has promised that Baghdad would be made to pay “a heavy price” for triggering “war on the Kurdistan people”.

In a statement, Turkey said it supports Baghdad and is ready to help Iraqis in their fight against PKK- a Kurdish organisation outlawed in Turkey

Washington has just called in for peace from all sides,“We call on all parties to immediately cease military action and restore calm while we continue to work with officials from the central and regional governments to reduce tensions and avoid and further clashes,” the U.S. embassy said. However it should be noted that the Trump administration has remained muted all through the escalation of hostilities and Kurds have again been betrayed by a world power.

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