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Is Modi failing Corona test?

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi

The bravado of being world leader in Corona containment is all but gone in North Block. While BJP spokesperson comes regularly on TV to claim how good the government strategy has been, the facts make it impossible to defend.

So the PM no longer comes to national television at 8 and lay down any promises. Neither he is leading any sort of strategic initiative.

As the Central Government retreats to handle more pressing issues on the Ind-Sino border the national health emergency is becoming even more dire.

At the time of writing this article, Maharashtra. Tamil Nadu and Delhi 1.29 Lakh active Corona cases i.e. that have been tested and confirmed. Which implies that the actual asymptomatic number may be anything between half a million to even around a million. Almost all contact tracing is overwhelmed by sheer numbers – in case of Delhi limited to 3-4 contacts only, often at time ignoring family members living together.

Still till date no government advisory has admitted community transmission. as a matter of fact the Home minister still believes that he is in control.

The fact Government, Business and common man, alike have been hit hard economically by lock down is escaping no one. So much so that economic recovery is as big as protecting the citizens from Covid-19

As migrant workers remain in their villages in UP and Bihar the economic power houses of Western states are operating at a fraction of their capacity. The condition is no better in In Delhi-NCR. Ever Rural economies are of Punjab and Haryana are suffering as the migrant workers are no where to be found.

On their part migrant workers too are looking at an uncertain future. They became migrant workers in the first place because there was no meaningful work for them back home. The premise of no employment at home has not changed – presenting them with devils choice of unemployment or Corona infection.

In effect we have a complete lack of central control and coordination. Our economy is in shambles and a deafening silence that is getting louder everyday

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