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Deja Vu, Palestine

Place: London
Date: 2nd November 1917

Occasion: Arthur Balfour, foreign secretary of British Government issued a public statement during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.

Place: Washington DC
Date: 28th January 2020

Occasion: Donald Trump, US President unveiled his vision for peace in Israel with Palestinians losing Jerusalem, occupied territories, Jordan valley, losing citizenship, and right to return in the proposal. 

Even a hundred and three years have not fulfilled a basic requirement for Palestinians of all deals. “All parties must be a part and agree to it.”

They were not a party and agreed when British decided to make a Jewish homeland. They are still not a party on the table and have agreed to Trump’s vision.

The Palestinian politicians and activists have unanimously decided to oppose the proposal and termed it another Balfour.

The controversial plan is another of Trump’s attempt to seal his position as an international statesman who resolves long standing issues. The reality though appears to be him pandering to his voter base and favouring international leaders backing him / manipulating him. The plan might see support from Trump’s Middle East Sunni allies like United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman whose ambassadors were present at the announcement and Saudi Arabia.

The philosophy of my enemy’s enemy is my friend seems to be bringing traditional rivals like Israel and Saudi together in face of tensions with Iran. There is a possibility of an open relationship between them in case of a successful resolution of the Palestinian conflict.

What has still not changed the lack of Palestinian consent even in the deal being brokered by the so called master deal maker.

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