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Corona Virus scare and Holi

Holi is the time when Indians socialize with colors and massive gatherings. With the background of COVID-19 lurking all around, its imperative that simple precautions are taken care of.

Stay informed

While still to cause disruption in India, COVID-19 has already proved itself to be deadly. It has disrupted life across the globe. So its good to follow National and local authorities advises. If for any reason authorities issue an advisory, follow it

Protect yourself and others from getting sick

If you do not feel 100% stay indoor

First and foremost – if you think you have any flu like symptoms, stay indoor and avoid social contacts. This will lessen your chances of getting infected with the disease when your body is already weak. Also you will not spread any sort of infection

Use disinfectants in the water to dissolve colors. Stop communicable diseases including COVID-19

Holi is a festival of colorful splashes of water. Ensure that the water has enough disinfectant before you rinse someone with it. Simple but effective.

Last but not the least, wash your hands as much as possible with alcohol based hand-rub or water and soap, as often as you can. This is a festival of social contacts, ensure that everyone including yourself is protected.

Also – eat only well cooked food, cover your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze.

We wish all a very Happy and safe Holi

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