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Corona Virus infects everyone with COVID-19 : Children Included


From what we know is that the Corona Virus is (most likely) Airborne and that it attacks Humans. This includes children.

With US President’s persistent stance that Children are immune to Covid-19, its imperative that every responsible media house should set the record straight.

Children are readily Infected with Covid-19 ? Answer is YES

From what we know is that the Corona Virus is (most likely) Airborne and that it attacks Humans. This includes children.

Do Children infected with Covid-19 suffer as much as adults?

In a recent study published in Pediatrics of COVID-19 in Chinese children, 90% of those who tested positive for the disease had mild symptoms, or none at all. Fever and cough are to be expected in rest 10%. Children can also have pneumonia.

In the study same study, a tenth of COVID-19 positive infants had to be treated for critical conditions. Older Children had much better immune response; however, no age group was 100% immune.

Can Asymptomatic Children spread the Covid19 to their parents, teachers and their infant siblings

The answer is from studies has come out to be chilling ‘YES’.  While their immune system protects them, it doesn’t actually stop them from being spreaders. This given 5~10% of Adults and Infants may not survive the virus, the children of all ages should be shielded from the virus.

Are we sure that Children are infected with Covid19?

From China to UK, everywhere ERs have admitted critically ill Children infected from Corona Virus. They get infected. As discussed above most don’t show symptoms. However, the statement means nothing to the unlucky parents who had their child admitted in emergency room.

Do we have a ton of studies to say that Children spread Corona virus that causes Covid19 ?

The Virus itself is just eight months old. Tons of studies are not possible in the timeframe.

Is Trump right to open the schools?

That’s for politicians in Capitol to decide. Parents on the other hand should protect their children and ensure that they should be there to see their children grow up. A child without a parent (or without any) can never hope to have a normal life. Bravado of little ones getting infected to cause parents to end up ER is stupid at best.

Should Children go out and play?

 Not socially. Use masks, pick up times when there are no or very small amount of kids in playgrounds. Ensure they don’t touch slides etc with gloves on. If they do, keep sanitisers handy.

This is stifling is there and end to this?

We wish we had an answer. This article itself is written from Home. What we can tell you is that the best brains in the whole world are out there trying to answer this question. Few vaccines from UK and Russia seem to have shown promise. There is a light at the end of tunnel, the tunnel, though is dark and long.

The true light is that of knowledge and information. We are a group of informed citizens, some are journalists by profession, who are here to share our opinion and take of world. While we know we are not always right, we always try to have a perspective that is backed by first hand information. We would love to hear from you on how we can do better, just post your comments on any of the articles that you think can be improved.

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