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Corona Virus: India is not ready

With 64,437 People infected, almost 1,400 dead Corona Virus (Now called COVID-19) is as infectious as it gets. While the outbreak happened in China – a country with much better medical facilities than most asian peers – the contagion is spreading far and wide.

New York Governor Gov. Andrew Cuomo said during an interview that “It’s almost inevitable but that we will [experience an outbreak]. ” And that he is getting ready for a fight.

Singapore is tracing potential carriers well beyond its city-state limits.

In India we are happy to close borders for Chinese. This in spite of the fact that the latest detection of infection was imported from Thailand.

We need to get our hospitals ready for a massive surge. While Chinese are claiming that they are able to isolate anti bodies from recovered patients, the entire process will take months to be ready to cater to an outbreak in India.

For us something like a common cold – that uses a similar form of transmission ends up effecting every family. Most doctors will not even be able to distinguish between COVID-19 and common cold untill its too late.

We immediately need advisories.

Bureaucratic readiness

If and when Corona Virus hits us, our medical establishment – much like china – will be inundated. Unlike China we could plan. A simple order that brings all medical establishments – from swanky private clinics to Government hospitals under a single command. Every single health worker identified, their place in plan already marked.

Law enforcement too should be ready to handle things as first respondents. How to protect themselves before helping others should be circulated immediately.

Then there is media, like us, who should be told before hand how to report without causing panic.

The Corporate Business continuity

Although an alien term to most Indian offices, business continuity manuals should be ready and SOPs distributed. People can be made to work in shifts or better from Home.

Daily wage and Blue caller workers

They are going to be hit hard. The community kitchens should be priority and ready while avoiding big gatherings, Cities need to be ready with funds to provide safe and hygienic shelters to those stranded as cities close down.

There can be many more options – only if those in charge start doing a little more than just keeping close tabs.

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