The 66th Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has resigned as political crisis deepens
In a major development, the Prime Minister of Italy – Giuseppe Conte has resigned today, i.e., Tuesday, January 26, 2021, in hope of forming a new coalition Government.
This comes after Matteo Renzi’s, Former Prime Minister of Italy, withdrew the support of his political party – Italia Viva, from the coalition Government. Conte faced two confidence votes last week. He survived but lost his governing majority in the Senate.
Conte handed his resignation to the President of Italy – Sergio Mattarella. Sergio will begin consultations with the leaders of the country’s main political parties. If Conte, who does not belong to a party, has enough support, Mattarella could ask him to form a new coalition.
Renzi’s main complaints is the way Conte plans to spend the European Union (E.U.’s) recovery aid of 200 billion euros (U.S. $ 243 billion). Renzi has accused Conte of trying to bypass Parliament in the decision-making. Renzi wants Conte to accept upto 36 billion euros (U.S. $ 44 billion) offered by the E.U. in a separate bailout fund for improving the health system of the country. No other E.U. country has tapped this mechanism amid fears that cash will come with unwelcome conditions.
A Statement from President read, “The President of the Republic is reserving his decision and has asked the government to stay in office for the management of ordinary affairs.”
Going forward, Conte could be asked to stay on as Prime Minister, but he would need to revamp some of his policies and make some new appointments to win back a parliamentary majority. He can persuade some non-aligned senators to join a new coalition. Conte could persuade one or more right-wing parties to join a new coalition led by him. But that option is seen as unlikely, as right-wing parties are ahead in opinion polls.
Without a Senate majority, Conte would struggle to pass effective legislation at a time of crisis for the European nation, which has suffered years of political instability in addition to new economic challenges amid the pandemic. Also, if there are early elections in Italy, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Salvini’s right wing party – Lega Nord might come to power. Matteo Salvini is a Eurosceptic, which means he is opposed to increasing the powers of European Union (E.U.).
Conte formed the Government in 2019 led by the center-left Democratic Party (PD) and the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S). Despite vast political differences, the unusual alliance prevented snap elections which could have favoured the far-right League Party.
Italy has been through several political crises since the end of World War II and has held many snap elections before sitting Governments have finished their electoral terms. Conte is the country’s 66th leader in 75 years.